Fee Remission and Scholarship Schemes (2024-2025)
Equal Opportunities for Quality Christian Education
With the commitment to serve students from all socio-economic backgrounds, HeepYunn is obliged to take active measures to ensure that our school places remain open to students from less advantaged family backgrounds. The Fee Remission and Scholarships Schemes where up to 30% of our school fee income is reserved for needy students and students with outstanding performance in academic and non-academic fronts are in force.
Fee Remission Scheme
- Principles for Handling Fee Remission Applications – Confidentiality and Equity
The application information is restricted to staff concerned. Non-disclosure of confidential data in accordance with the Laws is strictly adhered to. All students will be treated equitably regardless of their family backgrounds.
- Ground Rule
Heep Yunn offers a Fee Remission Scheme that is no less favourable than the financial assistance schemes offered by the Government.
- Eligibility
- Families passing the “Means Test” based on the “Gross Annual Family Income” and the “Number of Family Members” are eligible for the Fee Remission Scheme..
- In principle, families in receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and financial assistance by the Student Financial Office (SFO) will be offered fee remission from the School upon application, subject to the availability of funds under the School Fee Remission and Scholarship Schemes.
- Means Test
- “Gross Annual Family Income”
- “Gross Annual Family Income” includes:
- the annual income of applicant and his/ her spouse;
- 30% of the annual income of any unmarried child residing with the family (if applicable); and
- the contribution from relatives / friends (if applicable)
- whereas “income” includes bonus / allowance / part-time income and excludes Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) /Provident Fund contribution by the employee.
- Generally, the assessment period of “annual income” refers to 1 April to 31 March of the previous fiscal year.
- “Number of Family Members”
- “Family Members” normally refer to the applicant, his / her spouse, any unmarried child residing with the family and the “Dependent Parent(s)” who are supported by the applicant and / or his / her spouse.
- “Dependent Parent(s)” refers to the applicant’s parent(s), including parent(s)-in-law, who is not in receipt of the CSSA at the time of submission of application, and throughout the normal assessment year meet any one of the following conditions for a continuous period of not less than 6 months:
(i) has resided/ been residing with the applicant’s family and supported by the applicant or his/ her spouse; or
(ii) has taken up permanent residence at another premises owned or rented by the applicant or his/ her house; or
(iii) has been living in his/ her own premises, rented premises or residing in elderly homes and is totally supported by the applicant or his/ her spouse.
- For single-parent families, an additional family member will be counted.
- School-based Concession for Families with more than one daughter studying in HeepYunn
For families with more than one daughter studying at the secondary section concurrently, an “extra member” will be added to the “Number of Family Members” for the second daughter onwards. (e.g. For a family of five with three daughters attending HeepYunn School, the number of family members counted for the first daughter will be ‘5’, while the second and third daughter will increase to ‘6’ and ‘7’ respectively.)
- “Level of Fee Remission”
Different levels of fee remission are provided by the School:
Level of Fee Remission | School Fees Payable per year |
Full (100%) | Nil |
Three-Quarters (75%) | 25% of the school fee |
Half (50%) | 50% of the school fee |
Quarter (25%) | 75% of the school fee |
The “Level of Fee Remission” is calculated with reference to the formula of the Financial Assistance Schemes of the Student Finance Office (SFO): “Gross Annual Family Income” divided by the “Number of Family Members” plus ‘1’. Please refer to the “Fee Remission Table” enclosed for details.
- Application Procedures
- Fee Remission vetting is conducted on a yearly basis. Application should normally be made through their parents or guardians in each School Year.
- Relevant guidelines and application form are accessible in the School website and the School intranet (eClass), and can also be obtained from the Student Welfare Committee upon request.
- Completed form with the supporting documents should be returned to the School Office by hand or by post during the application period.
- Application Period
- For New Students (Form One): Applications should normally be made before the commencement of the school year (before early June).
[Note: Please refer to the School Notice/ Guidelines for the exact dates.]
- For Current Students (Forms Two to Six Students): Applications should normally be made before the commencement of the next academic year (before late June).
[Note: Please refer to the School Notice/ Guidelines for the exact dates.]
- Transfer Students: Applications should normally be made within one month upon admission.
- Others (For Families in sudden or special financial hardship): Families in sudden or special financial hardship (such as huge medical expenses incurred by family members with chronic illness, termination of employment etc.) can apply for discretionary fee remission all year round as and when necessary.
- Student-based Application
Families with more than one daughter attending the secondary section of HeepYunn School should submit separate form for each daughter.
- Application on a Yearly Basis
Current applicants should submit their applications and relevant supporting documents afresh in each school year.
- Approving Mechanism
- All fee remission applications will be vetted by the Student Welfare Committee, approved by the Headmistress and endorsed by the School Management Committee/School Council on a yearly basis.
- Depending on the “Gross Annual Family Income” and the “Number of Family Members”, different “Levels of Fee Remission” will be granted in accordance with the “Fee Remission Table” of the respective school year. Discretion will be granted on a case-by-base basis.
- Result Notification
- Applicants will normally be notified of the results by mail within 30 days by the end of the application period or the date that the application with all required information and supporting documents have been received by the School.
- Applications with insufficient information or supporting documents will be notified by call or by e-mail.
- Please refer to the “Fee Remission Guidelines” of the corresponding school year for the exact dates.
- Appeal Mechanism
- Applicants can make an appeal to the School if with sufficient justification.
- The appeal must be submitted to the School within one month from the date of the result notification.
- All appeals will be dealt with by an Appeal Panel whose members consist of School Management Committee/ School Council members and independent third parties.
- Additional Financial Assistance- Living Expenses Subsidy
- Families who are granted full (100%), three-quarters (75%) or half (50%) fee remission are eligible for the Living Expenses Subsidy operated under the Heep Yunn School Opportunities Enabling Fund.
- Relevant guidelines and application form will be sent to successful applicants in receipt of half-fee remission or above together with the fee remission results or upon request.
- Points to Note
- It is the responsibility of applicants to complete the application form fully and truthfully and to provide all supporting documents.The School will take necessary steps to verify the details of applications to ensure the funds are properly used as and when appropriate.
- All documents submitted will not be returned unless upon special request.
- Enquiry (Fee Remission Scheme)
Vice-Principal: Ms. Vera Chow
Education and Student Welfare Officer: Miss Mandy Leung
E-mail: hysswc@hys.edu.hk
Tel: 2711 0862
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00 (Mon to Fri)
Scholarships Scheme
- Background
With the vision and mission to promote all-round education, Heep Yunn is committed to support students’ whole person development in areas of moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual, and to instil in our girls a spirit of public service. To this end, the School has set aside a considerable sum for the Scholarships Scheme to recognise students with outstanding performance in both academic and non-academic fronts.
The number and amount of scholarships to be awarded will be determined by the School Management Committee/ School Council after a yearly review.
- Academic Scholarships: for Students with Outstanding Academic Performance
Pre-S1 | Approximately 20 students with the highest scores in the streaming test of the School will be awarded a scholarship. |
Forms One to Five | The Top 10 students, students with the best achievement in each subject and students who have made the best progress will be awarded a scholarship. |
Form Six | The School Management Committee/ School Council will determine the number and amount of scholarships based on the actual performance in the HKDSE Examination in each School Year. |
- Non-Academic Scholarships: for Students with Outstanding Performance in Co-curricular Activities (Sports, Culutral activities or Services)
Pre-S1 | Approximately 20 students with outstanding performance in sports or cultural activities. |
Forms One to Six | Gold, Silver, Bronze and Commendation Awards will be awarded to students with outstanding performance in sports, cultural activities or services. |
- Points to Note
Pre-S1 | The Scholarships awarded in the current year will be used to offset the school fee payable in the next School Year starting from January/ February. |
Forms One to Five |
Form Six | The Scholarships will be credited to the parents’ bank account in the next School Year in January/ February. |
Families in receipt of Local Education Allowance (e.g. civil servants) |
Families in receipt of Fee Remission |
- Enquiry (Scholarship Scheme)
Vice-Principals: Ms. Vera Chow, Ms. Iris Yeung
Accounting Department: Ms. Stella Ng
Tel: 2711 0862
Office Hours: 08:00 to 16:00 (Mon to Fri)
School Fees
The School is a Direct Subsidy Scheme School. The current school fees for 2024-2025 are as follows:
F1: | $41,350 | F2: | $41,350 | F3: | $41,350 |
F4: | $41,350 | F5: | $41,350 | F6: | $41,350 |
- School fee payable in each succeeding year will be no less than the school fee paid in the current year. For example, students studying in Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 now will be paying no less than $41,350 in school fees when promoted to Forms 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, respectively (subject to the EDB's approval).
- Depending on the school’s development and financial situation, we may submit further fee revision applications to the EDB in the future.
Fee Remission Scheme
Qualified students will not be denied admission to Heep Yunn School due to financial reasons. The School has an extensive fee remission scheme for students with financial concerns, which includes fee remission in full (100%), three-quarters (75%), half (50%), and one-quarter (25%) of the school fee. Needy students, including those from families receiving the CSSA and students receiving financial assistance provided by the SFO, may apply for fee remission through their parents or legal guardians. Further details of the fee remission scheme can be found in the Apprndix at the end of the page or from this link:
School Fees & Fee Remission Scheme (2024-2025) Places available for the 2025-2026 school year
Online Application Period
Starting: 12:00 p.m. on 12th October, 2024 (Saturday)
Ending: 11:59 p.m. on 24th October, 2024 (Thursday)
- Applicants must complete the online application form on or before 24th October, 2024 and print out a hard copy of the completed application form.
- The hard copy of the application form must be submitted to the School Office in person on or before 26th October, 2024 (Saturday), 12:00 p.m., together with all supporting documents and the entrance examination fee. Upon submission of the full set of application documents and payment of entrance examination fee, a receipt will be issued, indicating the completion of the application procedures. Please note that we do not accept any submissions made by post.
- If an applicant only completes the online application form without submitting in person the hard copy of the application form, supporting documents and the entrance examination fee, the application is deemed incomplete and no admission interviews will be arranged.
Application Procedures
Step 1Setting up an account on our platform: (follow the instructions provided on the next page)
- Login: your email address
- Password: your choice
- Other information: Applicant's full name, as appears on her identification documents (e.g. HKID card)
Step 2Online completion of Form A
- Personal information of the applicant. A copy of the applicant's identification document (e.g. HKID card) and a student photo (file size: each under 6MB) will need to be uploaded.
- Family information
- Contact details
- Academic Performance
- Extra-curricular activities and community service / in-school service
- Awards and achievements
- First Interview: Chinese session language option (Cantonese or Putonghua)
- Declaration
Note: Applicants can update the information anytime during the application period BEFORE confirming the online application information. Once confirmed, the information cannot be changed.
Step 3 - Confirmation of the completed online application form (Press CONFIRM)
- Submission of the completed online application form (Press SUBMIT)
Note: Application is NOT YET COMPLETE at this stage. The hard copy of the completed online application Form A must be printed out and submitted to the School Office on or before 26th October, 2024 (Saturday), 12:00 p.m., together with all supporting documents and the entrance examination fee. A receipt will be issued indicating the completion of the application.
Step 4 - Download the completed Form A in PDF format. An application form number will be automatically generated and printed on the PDF document.
- Print out the PDF document.
Step 5 (Optional) - Complete Form B and/or Form C:
- Form B: Sports Activities Form
- Form C: Music Activities Form
- Download the completed Form B and/or Form C (PDF format)
Form B and Form C are optional. They are only applicable to applicants who wish to take part in the Sports Skills Test and/or Music Audition.
Step 6 - Submission (IN PERSON)
Please submit the following items IN PERSON to the School Office during the application period [14th October, 2024 (Monday) - 26th October, 2024 (Saturday), 12:00 p.m.]: - Form A
- Form B / Form C (optional)
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate
- Photocopies of Primary 4 and Primary 5 report cards
- Entrance Examination Fee $75 (in cash).
- Please retain the receipt issued.
- Application Period
- 14th October, 2024 (Monday) – 26th October, 2024 (Saturday)
- Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
9:00 a.m. – 12 noon (Saturday) - Closed on public holidays and Sundays.
- Please note the last day for submission is a Saturday.
Selection Procedures
Applicants who have submitted their application before the deadline will be invited to the first round of interviews. Suitable applicants will be shortlisted and invited by email to attend an individual Second Interview to be held in December 2024, January, February or March 2025. First Interview
- Date: 16th November, 2024 (Saturday)
- Time: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (tentative); time slots to be confirmed (see point (4) below)
- Under normal circumstances, all applicants will be invited to attend the First Interview. An Interview Card indicating the interview time slot and other relevant information will be sent to the registered email address on 2nd November, 2024 (Saturday).
- Applicants who need to sit school examinations, take part in competitions representing their schools/the Hong Kong region or other very important events and thereby cannot attend the First Interview at the scheduled time may email the school (f1admission@hys.edu.hk) on or before 6th November, 2024 (Wednesday), attaching documentary proof, and the school would try, if possible, to reschedule the interview time to accommodate the applicant's request.
- Requests for rescheduling the interview due to personal reasons (e.g. interest classes, tutorial classes, family gatherings, travel plans) will not be entertained.
- Discretion to reschedule the interview rests solely with the school.
- Format: Individual interviews
- Language: English and Chinese (Cantonese)
- Non-Cantonese speaking applicants may opt for Putonghua.
- Applicants will be allocated to Cantonese/Putonghua interviews according to their choice of interview language in Form A. Last-minute changes of the interview language on the day of the First Interview may affect the results.
- Areas of assessment: Expressiveness, language literacy, problem-solving skills, arithmetic skills, logical thinking ability and creativity.
- Attire: School uniform (suggested)
Second Interview
- Successful applicants will be notified through email during the period from December 2024 to mid-March 2025 to attend second interviews.
- Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis from December 2024 to March 2025.
- Format: Shortlisted applicants and their parents will be interviewed by the Principal, Vice-principals, Assistant Principals or senior teachers.
- Submission of further supporting documents: If invited for the second interivew, applicants should submit, on the second interview day, copies of (1) her Primary 6 report card and (2) a student portfolio (copies of certificates of academic achievements, awards, achievements in extra-curricular activities, etc) of no more than 8 single-sided A4 pages (or 4 double-sided A4 pages) to the interviewers. If necessary, the applicant should reprint her certificates in a reduced format to fit the page limit.
- Language: English and Chinese (Cantonese) (Non-Cantonese speaking applicants may opt for Putonghua)
Sports Skills Test
- Skills tests will be administered for the following events (tentative):
Athletics & Cross Country &Triathlon (30/11 (Sat) morning) | Badminton (12/11 (Tue) afternoon) | Basketball (1/12 (Sun) morning) | Fencing (18/11 (Mon) afternoon) |
Football (20/11 (Wed) afternoon) | Hockey (14/11 (Thu) afternoon) | Squash (TBC) | Swimming (24/11 (Sun) evening) |
Table-tennis (27/11 (Wed)) | Tennis (11/11 (Mon) afternoon) | Volleyball (30/11 (Sat) afternoon) | |
- Applicants interested in taking part in the sports skills test must complete Form B (Sports Activities Form).
- Suitable applicants will be selected to take part in the skills test based on the information provided in Form B.
- Selected applicants will be invited to take part in the skills test through email no later than two days prior to the day of the skills test.
Music Audition
- Applicants interested in taking part in the music audition must complete Form C (Music Activities Form); applicants will be selected to take part in the audition based on the information provided.
- The audition will be held in the first week of December, 2024. The exact schedule of the audition will be confirmed in due course.
- Selected applicants will be invited to take part in the audition through email no later than 29th November, 2024.
Admission Criteria
Assessed Items | Weighting % |
1. Interview performance | 30 |
2. Academic performance | 30 |
3. Co-curricular activities and awards | 20 |
4. Conduct / Attitude | 20 |
Application Results
- Successful applicants and applicants on the waiting list will be notified of their application status no later than 28th April, 2025.
- Parents/Guardians of successful applicants must register by signing an undertaking with the school and submitting the Primary Six Student Record Form of their child/ward on or before 29th April, 2025.
- Unsuccessful applicants will be notified of their application status on or before 30th April, 2025.
Note to Parents
- To ensure complete fairness and objectivity in the admission process, applicants and their parents are reminded not to offer any advantages to school staff in connection with their applications.
- All personal data collected will be used for this application procedure only.
- All items submitted will not be returned and will be retained by the School until the end of the admission process. All documents submitted will be disposed of upon the completion of the admission process unless otherwise specified.
General Enquiries (Form One Admission):
Tel: 2711 0862
WhatsApp: 6049 9371 (messages only)
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday) 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon (Saturday)
f1admission@hys.edu.hk Online Application
Appendix Fee Remission and Scholarship Schemes (2024-2025)
Equal Opportunities for Quality Christian Education With the commitment to serve students from all socio-economic backgrounds, HeepYunn is obliged to take active measures to ensure that our school places remain open to students from less advantaged family backgrounds. The Fee Remission and Scholarships Schemes where up to 30% of our school fee income is reserved for needy students and students with outstanding performance in academic and non-academic fronts are in force. |
Fee Remission Scheme
- Principles for Handling Fee Remission Applications – Confidentiality and Equity
The application information is restricted to staff concerned. Non-disclosure of confidential data in accordance with the Laws is strictly adhered to. All students will be treated equitably regardless of their family backgrounds.
- Ground Rule
Heep Yunn offers a Fee Remission Scheme that is no less favourable than the financial assistance schemes offered by the Government.
- Eligibility
- 3.1 Families passing the “Means Test” based on the “Gross Annual Family Income” and the “Number of Family Members” are eligible for the Fee Remission Scheme.
- 3.2 In principle, families in receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and financial assistance by the Student Financial Office (SFO) will be offered fee remission from the School upon application, subject to the availability of funds under the School Fee Remission and Scholarship Schemes.
- Means Test
4.1 “Gross Annual Family Income”
4.1.1 “Gross Annual Family Income” includes:
- the annual income of applicant and his/ her spouse;
- 30% of the annual income of any unmarried child residing with the family (if applicable); and
- the contribution from relatives / friends (if applicable)
4.1.2 whereas “income” includes bonus / allowance / part-time income and excludes Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) /Provident Fund contribution by the employee.
4.1.3 Generally, the assessment period of “annual income” refers to 1 April to 31 March of the previous fiscal year.
4.2 “Number of Family Members”
4.2.1 “Family Members” normally refer to the applicant, his / her spouse, any unmarried child residing with the family and the “Dependent Parent(s)” who are supported by the applicant and / or his / her spouse.
4.2.2 “Dependent Parent(s)” refers to the applicant’s parent(s), including parent(s)-in-law, who is not in receipt of the CSSA at the time of submission of application, and throughout the normal assessment year meet any one of the following conditions for a continuous period of not less than 6 months:
(i) has resided/ been residing with the applicant’s family and supported by the applicant or his/ her spouse; or
(ii) has taken up permanent residence at another premises owned or rented by the applicant or his/ her house; or
(iii) has been living in his/ her own premises, rented premises or residing in elderly homes and is totally supported by the applicant or his/ her spouse.
4.2.3 For single-parent families, an additional family member will be counted.
4.2.4 School-based Concession for Families with more than one daughter studying in HeepYunn
For families with more than one daughter studying at the secondary section concurrently, an “extra member” will be added to the “Number of Family Members” for the second daughter onwards. (e.g. For a family of five with three daughters attending HeepYunn School, the number of family members counted for the first daughter will be ‘5’, while the second and third daughter will increase to ‘6’ and ‘7’ respectively.)
- “Level of Fee Remission”
Different levels of fee remission are provided by the School:
Level of Fee Remission | School Fees Payable per year |
Full (100%) | Nil |
Three-Quarters (75%) | 25% of the school fee |
Half (50%) | 50% of the school fee |
Quarter (25%) | 75% of the school fee |
The “Level of Fee Remission” is calculated with reference to the formula of the Financial Assistance Schemes of the Student Finance Office (SFO): “Gross Annual Family Income” divided by the “Number of Family Members” plus ‘1’. Please refer to the “Fee Remission Table” enclosed for details.
- Application Procedures
6.1 Fee Remission vetting is conducted on a yearly basis. Applications should normally be made through their parents or guardians in each School Year.
6.2 Relevant guidelines and application forms are accessible in the School website and the School intranet (eClass), and can also be obtained from the Student Welfare Committee upon request.
6.3 Completed forms with the supporting documents should be returned to the School Office by hand or by post during the application period.
- Application Period
7.1 For New Students (Form One): Applications should normally be made before the commencement of the school year (before early June).
[Note: Please refer to the School Notice/ Guidelines for the exact dates.]
7.2 For Current Students (Forms Two to Six Students): Applications should normally be made before the commencement of the next academic year (before late June).
[Note: Please refer to the School Notice/ Guidelines for the exact dates.]
7.3 Transfer Students: Applications should normally be made within one month upon admission.
7.4 Others (For Families in sudden or special financial hardship): Families in sudden or special financial hardship (such as huge medical expenses incurred by family members with chronic illness, termination of employment etc.) can apply for discretionary fee remission all year round as and when necessary.
- Student-based Application
Families with more than one daughter attending the secondary section of HeepYunn School should submit separate form for each daughter.
- Application on a Yearly Basis
Current applicants should submit their applications and relevant supporting documents afresh in each school year.
- Approving Mechanism
10.1 All fee remission applications will be vetted by the Student Welfare Committee, approved by the Headmistress and endorsed by the School Management Committee/School Council on a yearly basis.
10.2 Depending on the “Gross Annual Family Income” and the “Number of Family Members”, different “Levels of Fee Remission” will be granted in accordance with the “Fee Remission Table” of the respective school year. Discretion will be granted on a case-by-base basis.
- Result Notification
11.1 Applicants will normally be notified of the results by mail within 30 days by the end of the application period or the date that the application with all required information and supporting documents have been received by the School.
11.2 Applications with insufficient information or supporting documents will be notified by call or by e-mail.
11.3 Please refer to the “Fee Remission Guidelines” of the corresponding school year for the exact dates.
- Appeal Mechanism
12.1 Applicants can make an appeal to the School if with sufficient justification.
12.2 The appeal must be submitted to the School within one month from the date of the result notification.
12.3 All appeals will be dealt with by an Appeal Panel whose members consist of School Management Committee/ School Council members and independent third parties.
- Additional Financial Assistance- Living Expenses Subsidy
13.1 Families who are granted full (100%), three-quarters (75%) or half (50%) fee remission are eligible for the Living Expenses Subsidy operated under the Heep Yunn School Opportunities Enabling Fund.
13.2 Relevant guidelines and application form will be sent to successful applicants in receipt of half-fee remission or above together with the fee remission results or upon request.
- Points to Note
14.1 It is the responsibility of applicants to complete the application form fully and truthfully and to provide all supporting documents.The School will take necessary steps to verify the details of applications to ensure the funds are properly used as and when appropriate.
14.2 All documents submitted will not be returned unless upon special request.
- Enquiry (Fee Remission Scheme)
Vice-Principal: Ms. Vera Chow
Education and Student Welfare Officer: Miss Mandy Leung
Tel: 2711 0862
Office Hours: 08:00-16:00 (Mon to Fri)
Scholarships Scheme
- Background
With the vision and mission to promote all-round education, Heep Yunn is committed to support students’ whole person development in areas of moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual, and to instil in our girls a spirit of public service. To this end, the School has set aside a considerable sum for the Scholarships Scheme to recognise students with outstanding performance in both academic and non-academic fronts.
The number and amount of scholarships to be awarded will be determined by the School Management Committee/ School Council after a yearly review.
- Academic Scholarships: for Students with Outstanding Academic Performance
Pre-S1 | Approximately 20 students with the highest scores in the streaming test of the School will be awarded a scholarship. |
Forms One to Five | The Top 10 students, students with the best achievement in each subject and students who have made the best progress will be awarded a scholarship. |
Form Six | The School Management Committee/ School Council will determine the number and amount of scholarships based on the actual performance in the HKDSE Examination in each School Year. |
- Non-Academic Scholarships: for Students with Outstanding Performance in Co-curricular Activities (Sports, Culutral activities or Services)
Pre-S1 | Approximately 20 students with outstanding performance in sports or cultural activities. |
Forms One to Six | Gold, Silver, Bronze and Commendation Awards will be awarded to students with outstanding performance in sports, cultural activities or services. |
- Points to Note
Pre-S1 | The Scholarships awarded in the current year will be used to offset the school fee payable in the next School Year starting from January/ February. |
Forms One to Five |
Form Six | The Scholarships will be credited to the parents’ bank account in the next School Year in January/ February. |
Families in receipt of Local Education Allowance (e.g. civil servants) |
Families in receipt of Fee Remission |
- Enquiry (Scholarship Scheme)
Vice-Principals: Ms. Vera Chow, Ms. Iris Yeung
Accounting Department: Ms. Stella Ng
Tel: 2711 0862
Office Hours: 08:00 to 16:00 (Mon to Fri)
Fee Remission Table學費減免表
(For 2024-25 Fee Remission Applications 供二零二四至二五年度申請)
No. of Family Members 家庭成員數目* | Level of Fee Remission學費減免幅度* (%) [School Fee Payable需繳付學費] ^ |
100% [$ 0] | 75% [$ 10,337.50] | 50% [$20,675.00] | 25% [$31,012.50] | 0% [$ 41,350.00] |
Gross Annual Family Income家庭年度總入息* ($) (rounded to the nearest dollar) |
3 | < 344,156 | 344,156 | - | 406,765 | 406,766 | - | 469,375 | 469,376 | - | 531,986 | > 531,986 |
4 | < 430,195 | 430,195 | - | 492,497 | 492,498 | - | 554,800 | 554,801 | - | 617,104 | > 617,104 |
5 | < 516,234 | 516,234 | - | 574,682 | 574,683 | - | 633,132 | 633,133 | - | 691,582 | > 691,582 |
6 | < 602,273 | 602,273 | - | 656,868 | 656,869 | - | 711,463 | 711,464 | - | 766,060 | > 766,060 |
7 | < 688,312 | 688,312 | - | 731,960 | 731,961 | - | 775,609 | 775,610 | - | 819,258 | > 819,258 |
8 | < 774,351 | 774,351 | - | 807,052 | 807,053 | - | 839,754 | 839,755 | - | 872,457 | > 872,457 |
9 | < 860,390 | 860,390 | - | 882,144 | 882,145 | - | 903,899 | 903,900 | - | 925,656 | > 925,656 |
*Please refer to the coresponding explanation under the “Means Test” section above. 請參閱本文件「入息審查」下相關解釋。 |
School Fee學費 (2024-2025) F.1 – F.6 (中一至中六): $ 41,350 ( Subject to EDB’s approval 學費金額須經教育局審批後才能碓定。) Points to Note注意事項 1. School fee payable for the succeeding year after class promotion will be no less than the school fee payable for the current year. (Subject to EDB’s approval) 當學生在翌年升級後,所需繳付的學費將不少於現時的學費水平(如獲教育局批准)。 2. Depending on the school’ s development and financial situation, fee revision applications may be submitted to EDB in future. 因應學校的發展和財務狀況,未來校方或需再向教育局申請調整學費。 |
^ School Fee Payable需繳付學費($) School Fee Payable = School Fee approved by EDB for the School Year x [100- Level of Fee Remission (%)] 需繳付學費= 該學年獲教育局核准收取之學費x [100 -學費減免幅度 (%)] |